Monday, June 13, 2016


This weekend a human being went to a public place, killed 50 human beings and wounded 53 other human beings.  Human beings, in uniforms, killed the human being who did this.  Other human beings took away the dead and wounded amid the sounds of cell phones ringing as human beings tried desperately to check on the safety of those human beings they loved.  Within moments shock-waves swept through this community of human beings and proceeded to roll outward, flooding an entire country of human beings with various emotions.

Some rushed to put on makeup and hairspray and get in front of television cameras in an effort to inform human beings and continue the security of their jobs.  Others rolled out of bed and began calling human beings they paid to make the laws in the hopes that this act would not change the status quo.  Still others nodded their heads righteously - after all, the human beings which were attacked were being human.  What did they expect?  And once again, some human beings began screaming for action against other human beings.

Right now, human beings in face guards and plastic coats are examining silent, prone human beings on a multitude of tables.  In massive buildings, human beings are working to stop the dying of human beings.  Others are sitting on couches and chairs, staring at blindly  in quiet living rooms numbed by shock while other human beings curl up on beds crying.  And some are struggling to talk in somber, pastel settings choosing coffins and music, preparing to bury the human being they loved.

And most are asking how could this be happening.  Again. 

Because this is what we do, human beings.  This:

This weekend ON AMERICAN SOIL, IN AN ACT OF TERRORISM, a MUSLIM MAN went to a GAY BAR WITH AN AUTOMATIC RIFLE, killed 50 LGBT MEN and WOMEN and wounded 53 other LGBT MEN and WOMEN during LGBT PRIDE MONTH.  MILITARIZED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS, in uniforms, killed the MUSLIM TERRORIST who did this.  Other CITY OFFICIALS took away the dead and wounded LGBT amid the sounds of cell phones ringing as FRIENDS AND FAMILY tried desperately to check on the safety of those LGBT MEN AND WOMEN they loved.  Within moments shock-waves swept through ORLANDO, FLORIDA and proceeded to roll outward, flooding THE UNITED STATES with various emotions.

THE AMERICAN NEWS MEDIA rushed to put on makeup and hairspray and get in front of television cameras in an effort to inform AMERICA AND OTHER COUNTRIES and continue the security of their jobs.  LOBBYIST rolled out of bed and began calling the POLITICIANS they paid to make the laws in the hopes that this ACT OF HATE would not change the status OF THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.  RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS nodded their heads righteously - after all, the LGBT which were attacked were being IMMORAL AND UNGODLY.  What did they expect?  And, once again, some AMERICANS began screaming for IMMEDIATE RETALIATION against ALL MUSLIMS.

It happens because of this.  This is what we do.  Over and over and over.  All around this ball of dirt.  We draw lines, make boxes and separate ourselves into excruciatingly well-defined, rigorously-defended collectives.  We live in tiny, tight, fragile worlds of who is us and who is not us and those who are not us cease to be human. 

And that is the root cause making this possible everyday, in a hundred ways, somewhere in the world:

Right now, MEN AND WOMEN, SONS AND DAUGHTERS and MOTHERS AND FATHERS in face guards and plastic coats are examining silent, prone VICTIMS in MORGUES.  In massive buildings, HUMAN BEGINS are working to stop the dying of SOMEONE'S CHILD.  MOMS AND DADS and BROTHERS AND SISTERS are sitting on couches and chairs, staring at blindly in quiet living rooms numbed by shock while WIVES, HUSBANDS, CHILDREN, FRIENDS AND LOVERS are curled up on beds crying.  And FAMILIES are struggling to talk in somber, pastel settings choosing coffins and music, preparing to bury the CHILD/HUSBAND/WIFE/LOVER they loved.

One tribe, people.  For the love of human life, please - ONE TRIBE...

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